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Monday, February 28, 2011

this weekend

This weekend I had a lot of fun. L.O.L. not I hate the snow with a passion. Excpesaly when people knock down my snow men it gets really annoying. When there is no school that means that I’m going to have to waste my life in school during the summer. The summer is my favorite time of the year I love the sun so much I want to move somewhere were it is always nice and sunny. But other then that i had the best time for the weekend it was sooo kinda fun. L.O.L.

Monday, February 14, 2011


Today is V-Day and I'm so excited my lover boy Jordan is taking me to the movies. this movie I’ve been waiting to see for well forever (1 month) la la la la la la la la la la la la la la I just can't wait to go and see that freak ‘in movie I got him candy and a lot of it I got him two bags of skittles and one Twix and snickers I’m getting board talking now so I don't know what to talk about I'm listening to music how fun I’m not having fun L.O.L.

Monday, February 7, 2011


This weekend was fun for the first part I went to a party and it was wild then we went swimming it was really salty and it smelt really gorse like I wanted to get sick. Then we stayed up until 5:30a.m. And we made a lot of pics. The we had food we had biscuits and gravy. It was so good then we woke up at 9:00a.m. I got my hair dyed blonder people like it I think it is OK I guess..... Then I had to stay up for like ever because when I got home my mom said that I had to stay up until 10:00p.m. I was so tired I wanted to sleep for ever because I was so tired I wanted to faint but whatever L.O.L. I won 9 dollars woot woot I can't what to go to work!!!!!!!!!!! i love to go to work :) (: :) :)