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Monday, December 6, 2010


This weekend i went to a party and eat a lot of pizza well two peices and i eat some ice cream and cake I love to go to parys there are so fun but i like the insane partys there are so amazing i cant belive it rainier won states i love my dog i went to church i went to my house i love my room in was in there a lot this weekend i got in so much trubble this weekend like you woulden't even under stand la la la la la lma la la la la l al ala la la al al ala ala aal ala ala la al alaal aal ala ala ala ala al aal a a a a a aal alla la a la a al l a a alal a a alalal lalalala ll l l ll lalalalalalalalal lalalall lalalalala lalalalal lalalal lalalala la

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