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Monday, April 25, 2011


Easter weekend well it was OK I guess kind of boring at times but I was with my friends I had fun with them they were going to take me to the zoo for my birthday but it was to full so we just went to olive garden it was so grows I hated it. and it was so over priced for the smallest porshen of food . idk what to say idk what to say idk what to say idk what to say idk what to say. so i will say IegLHIYVjhfKjhbkFGVKJDLJZVjarvjhruguVAFHBZSDJQAVBGWeagbjjfgvjfcy g g jg g gg b jh vjj juj g g g g g g j y ujg uyjguy yg y uyj g ygygy giz u kdfjn hewifh ierhhkn kkh rur fufhi erjkfifvuhiuuiviuhuidfhe fhv rhg erohfvioer RJEG uldh hf IRHE uiheri hiuhQHQioui r irug H UREHUIRUIEUI Qrheru eruiieru eirohrgAHEF werus erfidcugxczjhgf hesy wgfuygtuyfgvgayrgalalalfgre uygr'erasoritger'eiid
rireuifyy8 fvhui4hduigfuidghdguirghuhgr;aegjasdpjvfuvhnfeuwhcduihfvkifdfuiesdhiurhvuirfhlweuidvuifhdiukedf;esd'hxcj cvchet dvfueqreerhrrgrhh

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