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Monday, October 25, 2010

haliday triditions

My family celebrates all the holidays because it is a time for all of our family to get together. We don't really get to keep in touch with our family because my parents think they are all anoying. We usally go to two diffrent partys because my mom and dads family members don't get along. for Christmas i don't really get much for Christmas because my parents are not vary rich and all my family members spend there money on there kids so there kids can show off all of there stuff to my family. On Halloween they always show off there costumes it gets really annoying because they always show off all there stuff and candy. So im going to try to show off all my stuff this year im going to try to get a sweet costume. And in going to try to get a lot of candy because i'm going to go with my sister and she go to a lot  of places.

Monday, October 18, 2010


This weekend I had my friends over at my house. Along with my sister, she got really really mad and punched a ten year old kid. He cried like a little girl and told his mom and she came over and started arguing with my sister. My sister started to get really mad and egnored her. She got in trubble and freaked  out  on my parent. My parents got mad to because he called her a b****  and he never told his mom of course. So now she wants to live with her grandma because she dosen't like the drama. I don't want her to leave because I will get really bored and have nothing to do and i don't like to be bored. Because there is nothing to do when your are at my house. The only thing to do is play out side or  play the Wii. That was my weekend.

Monday, October 11, 2010


Friday my friends and i went to the park. Later that day Paige came over to my house and we went to her house. We got bord so we went to Portland so we could find somthing to do. We couldent find anything to do so we went to Taco bell. On saterday we went to a hounted corn maze it was really fun. Sunday we went to Safeway we played in the shoping carts with the cars on the front of them . I crashed into a pull and then we sall a free dog sine and i told my parents and now i have a new dog. after we got the new EV we got pizza  we had to call the dog owner to make sure that it could feed it human food it could so it got like two-hunderd peises of pizza. And that was my weekend. 

Monday, October 4, 2010

This weekend i hung out with my friends. On friday night we hung out in my room we sat there and talked,played bord game, and cards. they had to go home at twelve-therdy. On saterday we got up at nine oclock and we walked aroud then we went and wached a soccer game it was really funny. Then we went and and played at the park,we were being just like little kids. We played sand monster , or what ever thats called.Then they went and played pool i watched because i cant play vary well. When we were done with that we went and sat in a store.there was a ladie and she told us to watch the store while she was out , she told us to not let anyone  in. Well we failed because someone walked in, and then she walked in and we told her and she was ok that we failed because she is a vary nice person.then we went hame and watch movies until twelve at night it was a vary fun day