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Monday, October 4, 2010

This weekend i hung out with my friends. On friday night we hung out in my room we sat there and talked,played bord game, and cards. they had to go home at twelve-therdy. On saterday we got up at nine oclock and we walked aroud then we went and wached a soccer game it was really funny. Then we went and and played at the park,we were being just like little kids. We played sand monster , or what ever thats called.Then they went and played pool i watched because i cant play vary well. When we were done with that we went and sat in a store.there was a ladie and she told us to watch the store while she was out , she told us to not let anyone  in. Well we failed because someone walked in, and then she walked in and we told her and she was ok that we failed because she is a vary nice person.then we went hame and watch movies until twelve at night it was a vary fun day

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