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Monday, October 25, 2010

haliday triditions

My family celebrates all the holidays because it is a time for all of our family to get together. We don't really get to keep in touch with our family because my parents think they are all anoying. We usally go to two diffrent partys because my mom and dads family members don't get along. for Christmas i don't really get much for Christmas because my parents are not vary rich and all my family members spend there money on there kids so there kids can show off all of there stuff to my family. On Halloween they always show off there costumes it gets really annoying because they always show off all there stuff and candy. So im going to try to show off all my stuff this year im going to try to get a sweet costume. And in going to try to get a lot of candy because i'm going to go with my sister and she go to a lot  of places.

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